Welcome to “Good Christian Sex”
“People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred,” the renowned Desmond Tutu once said, “but love them anyway.” I can go with the first half, but recently, I’ve had a bit of a challenge about the second. (Click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
Where now Donald Trump?
Almost everyone I know, wonders not whether Clinton can win, but if Trump can be defeated. The news in recent weeks is good: the ever accurate New York Times publishes daily a fresh voter trend; its reports are daily better and better. (Click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
And now, here, once more, is The Donald! And the gun!
We may, this day, have entered the most tension- ridden week in American history. You know why: we are next door to a country where, in most states, pretty well anyone can carry a gun, hidden or unhidden, yesterday or today, in the wake of the killing in recent days, of three police officers by an unbalanced, young man from Kansas City. (Click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
Was Pride Day a Bad Day?
It’s now almost 50 years since, along with a CBC television crew, I went to Chicago to interview the most radical man I’d ever meet: Saul Alinsky, a social activist whose tactics were, at times, startling. When it came to social progress, he seemed to believe more in confrontation that conversation. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
Why not female priests?
A friend insists that a saying of Yogi Berra hasn’t been recorded: “One thing is certain: the obvious should be obvious.” It came back to me as I pondered aspects of today’s essay on why women should have the right to the priesthood. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)