A Sorry Subject

In an era of ever increasing problems, many of us are worried about the spreading of Anti-Semitism. (Click the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

The Jewish and Judaism

A week or so ago, I was struck with the heart of a Churchill quotation which, to me, is absolutely right: “No thoughtful person can deny the fact that Jews are, beyond any question, the most formidable and remarkable race which has appeared in the world.” (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

Is Ontario getting another Trump?

I’ve always admired a man you may not know of named John C. Maxwell, who happens to have written a book that was one of the best sellers in North America: The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. It makes me smile a bit when I think of Toronto’s Mayor as our leader in the years of 2010 to 2014. His name was Rob Ford. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

The Fundamentalists and Trump

I’ve been baffled for years by fundamentalists, but never as much as I have been, since his majesty Donald Trump brought his modesty, his brilliance, his character and his integrity to the White House. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

Trump Explodes Again

It’s still only a year and a half since Donald Trump -- the most cranky, egotistical, troublesome, ignorant, vulgar, incompetent -- President in American history, got into the White House. How did it happen? (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

Catholicism’s Corruption

Every day is seems to get worse. And don’t tell me it’s not my business – when thousands of young boys are sexually abused it’s everybody’s concern. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)